AddressFinder: {
    Controller: typeof Controller;
    controllers: Controller[];
    defaults: Omit<StoredOptions, "document" | "scope">;
    go: ((config, d?) => Promise<null | Controller>);
    setup: ((config) => Controller);
    watch: Watch;
} = ...

Namespace that exports Address Finder methods and classes

Type declaration

  • Controller: typeof Controller
  • controllers: Controller[]
  • defaults: Omit<StoredOptions, "document" | "scope">
  • go: ((config, d?) => Promise<null | Controller>)
      • (config, d?): Promise<null | Controller>
      • Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder

        This is equivalent to invoking setup except inside a DOMContentLoaded event callback


        Returns Promise<null | Controller>

  • setup: ((config) => Controller)
      • (config): Controller
      • Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder

        This method will create and return a new AddressFinder instance. It will also add a global reference to the controller at AddressFinder.controllers


        Returns Controller

  • watch: Watch